06 October 2020

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Dr. Testosterone
By George Touliatos, MD



Since high school I have been infatuated by the thought of athletes get doped; nevertheless, I could not understand why they use drugs. Later I realized that doping is nothing more that a pharmaceutical medication under abuse. This field started to obsess me since my early years in medical school. Soon after my graduation, the experimental process started at the time I was a general practitioner in the country. By winning my first show, I realized that one day I wanted to become the doctor of the bodybuilding community. Later during my residency, I managed to match the hard-earned experience (broscience) with the scientific data and became a writer/author in fitness. My alter ego and mentor, Massimo Spattini, MD lives in Parma, Italy. He is a close friend of the notorious football player Fabio Cannavaro, he became Mr. Italy with heavy weights and today he’s among the world’s experts in anti-aging, HRT and fitness.


It’s quite rare and a paradox to find a medical doctor who has a history in bodybuilding, because the PED use seems controversial and unorthodox. In the USA, Dr. Thomas O’Connor, MD was into powerlifting and now he is known as the Anabolic Doc, dealing with AAS harm reduction and TRT under anabolic steroid induced hypogonadism (ASIH). We also have Dr. Rand McClain, who also practices in the same field in USA. In Greece there was Stavros Chatzos, MD, a sports medicine doctor who focused mainly on anti-doping for Olympic sports, and not bodybuilding in particular. He was the one who claimed that everyone is doped, and not exclusively those who get busted. His thoughts were based on the randomized controls that occur during the off-season. He supported the fact that everyone can beat the anti-doping test simply by knowing the half-life of the particular substance that is used. When we met, he signed his book for me and said that he wanted me to continue his vision. The point is I couldn’t do that for one reason: I was a drug addict as a bodybuilder and I still use testosterone as a replacement therapy. Moreover, I preach HRT, meaning the use of various hormones as part of age management and overall well-being. I am practicing AAS harm reduction, meaning the safer use of gear and I just can’t play the crusader – it’s going to be quite hypocritical. Instead I focus on preventive and safety rules for those who are willing to undergo this pathway. It’s way more honest and realistic than demonizing and pointing the finger against those adults who are determined to do this.


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This is my response to my accusers who call me Dr. Dope – as my main goal isn’t doping and chemical enhancement itself, but how to avoid the plethora of potential side effects. Sort of having the regular service on your car, rather that facing the upcoming issues when it’s already too late. In medicine, we say that prevention is better than treatment, while the early and accurate diagnosis brings a better prognosis and cure. Dr. Hulk is a cult figure in Marvel Comics who transforms from a laboratory scientist in a white coat in the morning into a muscular monster at night, by drinking his juice. Since the Cold War era, science and athleticism were tightly bonded. Athletes need scientists to perform better, become bigger, faster and stronger. Since the ancient Olympic games, the Greek competitors ate bulls’ testicles to gain strength and improve stamina. At work I have already consulted a wide variety of athletes: track athletics, cycling, soccer, CrossFit, wrestling, weightlifting, bodybuilding, basketball, swimming and water polo. I was fortunate to meet the two greatest coaches this country ever had and had the privilege to meet in the USA the world’s finest chemist in the fitness industry.


After I’m gone I want people to remember me as a man who had a vision to make sports a safer game under the supervision of physicians. The introduction of labs and blood work is essential and lifesaving to those who use illegal substances for their own personal reasons. Bless those physicians who serve sports under their own perspective; especially the ones who support the belief that doping is a matter of choice; as a doctor you are obligated to and must help – not criticize instead. Because it’s really an oxymoron for any doctor to point the finger, demonize and criticize about PEDs use, while he is the worst example of what health is about.


Sadly, the medical society is clueless regarding sports culture and the whole project sounds repulsive to them. Social doping is a fact and as a potential public health issue it should concern every doctor who is willing to help. If they’re ignorant, they better start educating themselves and lighten up, otherwise they better back off and let the ones who know their lessons do their job. Mostly the open-minded ones, who think outside the box without prejudice and suspicion. Every body is chemically enhanced today on a daily basis with caffeine, cocaine, amphetamines, benzos, viagra and marijuana. Why is someone who wants to look better, or perform better in the gym, even in bed, called a cheater?

It’s about time to face the reality and real facts.

George Touliatos, MD is an author, lecturer, champion competitive bodybuilder and expert in medical prevention regarding PED use in sports. Dr. Touliatos specializes in medical biopathology and is the medical associate of Orthobiotiki.gr and Medihall.gr, Age Management and Preventive Clinics in Athens, Greece. He is the author of four Greek books on bodybuilding, has extensively developed articles for www.anabolic.org and is the medical associate for the book Anabolics, 11th Edition (2017). Dr. Touliatos has been a columnist for the Greek editions of MuscleMag and Muscular Development magazines, and has participated in several seminars across Greece and Cyprus, making numerous TV and radio appearances, doing interviews in print and online. His personal website is https://gtoul.com/













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