Written by IFBB Pro Josh Wade
06 April 2021





Relentless Pursuit

By IFBB Pro Josh Wade

Presented by Allmax Nutrition


Balancing Bodybuilding and Family

Value What’s Most Important to You


Q: The last show I prepped for almost caused my wife and I to get divorced. How do you balance bodybuilding and family?


A: This is a conversation I’ve had with many clients over the years and I feel it’s a very important topic to discuss. When I first started competing in 2006 before my wife and I had kids, I went through the same thing, as prep dieting was new to me and a lot harder than you can imagine if you’ve never been through it before. Let me say it does get easier the more you do it but if you can’t get a grasp on balance, you will lose loved ones in the process. The first time I prepped for a show I told my wife I wanted to compete at least once to get in the best shape of my life for pictures. It was hard sticking to the diet when I would watch her eat foods I wanted but knew I couldn’t have. That caused some resentment even though it was 100 percent my choice to compete. Something I realized later was that no one should have to sacrifice for my choices. But in the moment, through selfishness, you don’t think about other’s feelings with what you yourself are experiencing and feeling, especially when it’s new to you. I neglected her during that first prep as I would get up at 3:45 a.m. to do cardio, then would have to be at the shop at 6:00 a.m. for work. After working a 10-hour day, I headed off to the gym for an hour and a half of weights, and then do another 45 minutes of cardio at night. I never made time for her and even when I did have time, I was so tired it never felt like quality time.


Those are things that you need to realize you are doing before it’s too late. Luckily for me she has always been a supportive partner and even though that first prep was tough, it was a learning experience of what needs to be done but also what not to do. If you think you have to be so hardcore and tough all the time to be a good bodybuilder you need to think again, or you’ll never have a meaningful relationship. Then when bodybuilding is done you’ll be alone and miserable! Don’t push your loved ones away. Always include them in your goals and dreams and make sure to communicate your feelings all the time. An open mind and an open line of communication is key to any successful relationship, so make sure you listen and value their feelings – don’t be selfish!




To be the best bodybuilder you can be, you have to train hard and eat right, but that doesn’t mean those around you have to do the same. Once you realize and accept that, you will find balance and happiness in your prep life. Make time for your family as you do your training and dieting and don’t just be there, but be present. You can have the best of both worlds if you always show appreciation and gratitude and never take things for granted. When things get tough try to remember to take a breath, calm down and value what’s most important to you. There will always be another show, but if you lose a loved one you might not ever get them back!


If You Want Something, Make It Happen


Q: Next step, next chapter: are you contemplating retirement, at a crossroads and unsure of what to do?


A: These questions have been plaguing me for some time now as bodybuilding is in my blood. I love training, I love competing, and I love the sport so I’ve been really torn on what’s next for me. I’ve been training my whole life, I’ve been competing for over 14 years and like anyone else that has been in a sport or doing something that long, there comes a time when you ask yourself, “Do I still want to do this?” “Have I made it as far as I possibly can?” People who have worked in the same job or profession for that long feel the same way a lot of the time wondering, what’s next? Do I keep pushing and keep trying to improve, or hang it up?




I ask myself this every day, and if it wasn’t for me putting so much energy into creating events for my kids to do since actual organized events haven’t opened up in most states yet, especially out here in California, I’d probably go nuts. I started an underground flag football league and have over 40 boys out every Sunday on four teams out there playing and having fun, and that has been the highlight of my week. I’ve found something to focus my pent-up energy on and get so much joy out of seeing them have fun that it’s very rewarding. I organized a father/daughter dance since our school isn’t doing it this year. After having that special bonding time with my daughter every year, there was no way I would miss it because they “can’t” put it on and we ended up with 100-120 people there.


For now, I don’t know what my bodybuilding future holds. Training hard is something I truly enjoy and eating clean has become my lifestyle, so those things won’t change. While if or when I decide to compete again is up in the air, I will focus my energy on the things I can control!


The moral of the story is if you want something, don’t wait for it to happen, make it happen!


Strengthening the Immune System


With the COVID-19 situation, I’ve been getting a lot of inquiries as to which supplements can strengthen the immune system and help prevent infection. These are the supplements that I take every day year-round for immune system function and antioxidants, but they are even more beneficial at times of stress or sickness.


Allmax Immune-Boosting stack

Glutamine: 10g 3x day, upon rising, post-workout and before bed.

R+ALA: 2 caps (300mg) with first and last meal.

CytoGreens: 1 scoop upon rising. 

Vitastack: 1 multipack with first meal.

Omega 3: 2g with first and last meal.


Please send questions for this column to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.teamwadefitness.com







For more information, visit allmaxnutrition.com

